
Saturday, September 05, 2009

Six Feet Under

it was this morning, the funeral. sorry Ashlei, that i cant attend the funeral. supposed to attend but i failed. i dont know why i got this strong feeling that i must attend. i was so stress figuring out ways to attend. almost took a day off from work, almost tried to offer money for someone, or anyone just to bring me there. but everything just didnt work.

i wonder why.

maybe it was just my weakness playing with my mind, i cared too much. but then is it wrong for someone to care of his/her friends? certainly not.

take care Ashlei, i know you can do it, you are one strong milky cow =)


ashe said...

Hey you! Tahnx for the wishes ya...i'll be one strong cow always in a bunch of don't you worry, alright? and thanx for the great post, i'm sure my dad will be happy hearing that his daughter got such great friends who cares..Thanx!

soket said...

good to hear from u =) gogo super cow!