
Thursday, November 12, 2009

how to fry yam & potato?

ok. im stucked frying yam & potato. how much oil do i need to add? which flour?? oh god.

still trying to look for colour lcd screen module which cost less than RM100. is Farnell cheating us or we are that stupid?

(click on image to enlarge)

RM400 for a 2.7" TFT LCD?? then how much my phone worth without the lcd screen? how much my 15" monitor worth?? RM400x5.5=RM2200??

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Fried Yam & Potato

got my FYP title. nothing related to aerospace or plane and stuff. just normal usb controller. sounds simple but i donno where to start. met my supervisor Dr. R. Logeswaran, such a nice lecturer. told him my idea(s). everything seems to be working or i should say acceptable by my supervisor but idea is 1 thing, trying to build it is another thing. selecting microcontroller and other hardware is easy, but selecting the right one is the biggest problem. even if i got the right chip, i might not know how to link them together with other chip or hardware component.