domo... Yukie chan neh... hooo~! XD too much Hard Gay. okay. forgive me for not updating my blog. but i have solid reasons! 1st accident! 2nd final exam! both of them not good enough?? well 3rd im lazy =p after exam i wanted to blog, so much to blog but then i forgot due to unforeseen circumstances (dota, Perfect World(PW), movie ...etc etc). came back KL and continue PW.... just like what my MSN pm "play like mama not around" "play hard". PW everyday, from day to night till my eyes got tired =.= and i realize that i played too much hehe. so besides playing decided to blog. the bad news is i didnt bring my pc back. im using my sis lappy. so all the pics not with me right now. awww soli la. you sure will say "dont know how to use tumbdrive ar!". tell you what both of my tumbdrive not with me k. 1 with kevin, i dont know what he doing with it, another 1 with CW. the good news --> i still have some pics in my hp. so i see what i cant find la =)
talking bout PW, guess who i met in the game. pang han's bro. i was like wth! at 1st i dont know bout him and pang han until i saw his friendster friend list. what a small world.
update bout myself a little bit.... currently on holiday until 15 june 2008, shoulder getting better but still cant really do sport T.T i wan futsal.... no change in height, maybe..even after accident =p
p/s : who's up for Seventeen's Roxy Summer Splash, do let me know asap, i have a few tickets to give away. for details -->